Android Peloton App Improvements

Peloton app improvements for Android

In recent weeks, the Android Peloton app has received a series of updates aimed at enhancing the user experience by introducing additional features. One significant improvement is the implementation of an advanced search functionality, allowing users to conveniently locate workouts by entering specific keywords. For example, users can now search for workouts featuring a particular musical artist or containing specific text within the workout title.

Search Peloton workouts by musical artist
Search Peloton app for workouts by a specific musical artist
Peloton app - search for key words in title of workout
Search Peloton app for keyword in title of workout

After you have completed a workout, the Peloton app now shows you a list of recommended workouts to follow up on your previous workout.

Workout recommendations
Post-workout recommendations

Moreover, the app now offers a long-awaited feature previously exclusive to iPhone users: the ability to rate completed workouts. Similar to the iOS version, Android users can now provide feedback on their workouts by giving a “Thumbs Up” or “Thumbs Down” rating, as well as evaluating the difficulty of the workout on a scale of 1 to 10. This update fosters a more comprehensive and personalized experience for Android Peloton app users.

Android Peloton app - rate workout
Rate the workout

With these new features, it will make the Peloton app easier for Android users to find workouts and to give their feedback on completed workouts.

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