Google Assistant Comes to Android Tablets

Google Assistant

Google launched their Google Assistant app for their Pixel phones back in October 2016, and then slowly rolled out support for the app to other Android phones running Nougat (7.0) and later Marshmallow (6.0). They hadn’t talked much about support for Android tablets, but a few days ago, Google announced that Android tablets running Android 6 and 7 will get the Assistant app.

This is great news for Android tablet users who have been missing out on the usefulness of the Google Assistant app. In order to run the Google Assistant on a tablet, besides being on Android versions 6 or 7, the tablet must also meet a few other requirements:

  • Google app – requires version 6.13 or higher. If your tablet has an older version, just visit the Google Play store and update to the latest version of the Google app.
  • Google Play Services – Must be installed. If it isn’t just download from the Google Play Store.
  • Memory – Device must have at least 1.4 GB of memory


If a tablet meets the above requirements, then the Google Assistant app can be activated by opening the Google app, tap the Menu icon (three horizontal bars), go into Settings, then under the Google Assistant section, turn it on.

For more information about Google Assistant requirements on a tablet and how to enable it, visit Google’s help page for the Google Assistant.

Google Assistant running on LG Pad
Google Assistant running on Google Assistant running on LG G Pad X 8.0 V520