Android’s Peloton App Integrates Bluetooth Cadence with Non-Peloton Devices

Android Peloton app showing cadence

The latest update to the Android Peloton app has broadened its functionality by enabling users to connect a Bluetooth-supported non-Peloton bike for cadence monitoring. This feature has been an existing component on the iOS version of the app and is now accessible to Android users.

To utilize this feature, users must initially start a cycling workout on their Bluetooth-enabled exercise bike. Subsequently, on the Peloton app, they must click on the Bluetooth icon, then select the “cadence” option.

Bluetooth icon
Click Bluetooth icon
Cadence connect screen
Click Cadence

The connected bike should then be visible on the next screen. By selecting it, a checkmark will confirm that the bike is successfully connected and cadence tracking is activated.

Connected bike for cadence
Checkmark confirms connection to bike

Once established, the current cadence reading is displayed on the device in portrait mode.

Cadence displaying on Android
Cadence displays during workout

Upon completion of the workout, the Peloton app offers a comprehensive analysis of the session. It showcases the average cadence and presents a detailed chart mapping the cadence readings throughout the entire workout duration.

Average cadence on workout summary
Average cadence for workout displays on workout summary
Peloton cadence history on Android
Graph shows cadence for workout period

In conclusion, the Android Peloton app’s recent update has significantly enhanced its versatility by incorporating Bluetooth cadence monitoring for non-Peloton equipment. This progression not only harmonizes the functionalities across iOS and Android versions of the app, but it also provides Android users with a more enriched, detailed, and interactive fitness experience.

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